"El secreta de la vida está en caerse siete veces y levantarse ocho."
-Paulo Coelho

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Goodbye is just another word

It´s been a month and a half since I have left Bolivia, two months and a day since my life was turned up side down, and a revolution from what felt like utter darkness to at least a little bit of light.

I know it´s not a proper goodbye, but then again, I first of all don´t like goodbyes and therefore think that see you later is a better term - so...See you later....

I want to thank all the amazing people who have made my journey to finding a deeper meaning of who I am so much more great, the people who I met along the way, who inspired me to be greater than my own dreams.....

I want to thank my hoast family: mi familia boliviana - no hay palabras que expresan mi cariño y gratitud hacia ustedes y todo lo que han hecho por mi, el amor que me han dado por el año y tres meses que estuve viviendo con ustedes. No hay nada más bonito que sentirse aceptado en un hogar, y yo he encontrado un lugar entre ustedes. Muchas gracias. Les querré por siempre.

I want to thank my boss, Julian: Julian, no solamente fuiste mi jefe, sino mi mentor, mi amigo, y mi inspirador por buscar lo bueno en el mundo. Gracias por toda tu paciencia y tu corazón tan inmensamente grande. Siempre serás un ejemplo por mi

I want to thank the team of amazing people from arterias, that showed me how important it is to stand up and say what I feel, and to make compromizes.

Thank you to the team of just as amazing people from Plataforma, who taught me that love and kindness is what this world should be about, no matter whether you say that it is a mean violent place or not, that people are evil or not.

It should be everyone´s goal to stand up and give hugs to people, to show love, not to have to hide. 

To give AND receive love.