"El secreta de la vida está en caerse siete veces y levantarse ocho."
-Paulo Coelho

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Quick Updates

It's been about two weeks since my last entry and quite a bit has happened. Here's a quick update for all you who have busy lives and just a minute to glance at what I'm up to:

·         Watched The Conjuring......Such a good horror movie (Jenny I miss you!!!!)

·         I had a good time partying and meeting new people with Vero and Reena in a quite cool, hipster club/bar

·         Our kid's art classes finally started and are going great, even though they stared out a bit rough. I love working with the kids; after all, that's why I came to Bolivia for.

·         I'm also helping with the foto classes for kids in Tesape learning a ton myself and getting to know Lino better ( the guy who runs the classes and a great photographer).

·         It is warm and humid here, like Chicago in the midst of summer

·         My dance lessons are going great (although I still can't dance :D) and I participated in the advanced course yesterday and the time I went before that because the teacher pulled me over. I'm having a great time.

·         I went to SAMAIPATA last weekend, with Vero, Reena, and Meli. A beautiful, calm Hippie town close to beautiful waterfalls and Inca/Pre-Inca ruins where I had time to gather my strength.

Details are to come soon for all you hungry readers :)

Ah. And, before I forget, a quick personal note I wrote a while ago, for all those interested. If you don't want to know, don't read please.

I came to three insights about myself today:
1. I need to learn how to be more patient and more understanding with the people that I encounter here and most of all with the situations that happen every day. And I have to learn to be patient with myself. I can't do everything right. I can try, but I'll make mistakes now and then. I have to accept that. "If I don't want to make mistake, there's no point in going on an adventure" right, Mom?
I have to be patient with the people because I don't know their way of living life. I might have seen a glimpse of it in the two months I've been here, but I can't know what goes on inside their heads. And I can't change their ways, either.
Things happen, things go wrong.
Solution: Take a deep breath and analyze what went wrong and what can be improved.

2.  It's hard for me to accept compliments without denying them. I've wanted to work on that for a while, but always forget, I automatically deny any compliment I get. Really, I just want to say thank you like any other person would. Be humble about it, and nice, but not deny the compliment. I have built up enough self confidence in the past few years that I should feel good if I get compliments. So I have to work on saying thank you and smile :)
(Although I smile a lot anyway ;) )

3. I forgot the third insight while writing. If I think of it, I'll add it.

** *Added insight: I've got some pretty amazing friends out there. I miss you guys and love you so much :)


  1. I really love your blog, Lena - keep it up, please. Can't wait to hear more about the kids you teach now. Do they love what you are doing with them? I am sure you will give us more information, right?
    I can't imagine that you cannot dance but maybe you need to understand that you can?
    many hugs, Mom

  2. Lena! I miss you too! The conjuring is one of my favorite horror movies! I cant wait to see you when u come home!
