"El secreta de la vida está en caerse siete veces y levantarse ocho."
-Paulo Coelho

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Las Lomas

The week of the dancing Lomas.
Just two days after getting back from the Amboro, the "Españoles" decided to explore the night life of Santa Cruz. Since I usually don´t go out partying, I used the opportunity to go with them. We left at 9pm form Plataforma and met Julian and some more friends in a Restaurant with a live band and a space to dance. We sat down, ate dinner and drank beer (well, I drank a Piña Colada). After a few beers for them we got up to dance Cumbia, the typical music here. We all had a really good time, especially because one of the friends JJ has a humor inexplicably funny, so that we were laughing all the night.
It was great to see everyone so loose, especially Julian my boss and friend, who enjoyed himself visibly. Betty, my friend and coworker also loosened up, but rather through the beer than through enjoying herself. I do think she had a good time though.
At around 2am the restaurant closed. We were all quite tired so that we took a taxi back to Plataforma. And only a few hours later..........
We took a bus to the sand dunes half an hour away from Plataforma with the kids!!!!!
I think those two days were poison for my cold that was still lingering....and that only got worse and worse because I didn´t get rest....but, what can I do? There´s some things that only come around once in life.
The Lomas de Arena took my breath away, in a completely different way than the Amboro. From where the bus left us, we had to walk 2 hours through sand and trees until getting to the dunes. I hadn´t imagined anything, but the dunes were beautiful. Sand everywhere and we had to walk up the first dune, which was like walking into the nothing, everything white, white, white...and then, out of the nowhere, I could see over the dune.
Instead of more sand, which I was expecting, I saw a green lagoon!
What an image. We walked another bit to get to the lagoon with water a deep, deep blue, and surrounded by dunes and mountains.
We ate the lunches we had brought and I took a quick swim with the girls.
Later I walked around the lagoon. I was blown away by the quietness, so different from the sounds of the city, and so different from the sounds of the Amboro - but just 30 mins from the city and 4 hours form the Amboró.
In the midst of the lagoon I saw two small red birds and a swarm of white birds take off as I moved closer.
I practiced my handstand with Aurora, bonding with her, and then played volleyball with Jason, one of the boys from the Comedor. It was a lovely trip.

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