"El secreta de la vida está en caerse siete veces y levantarse ocho."
-Paulo Coelho

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Day to Take a Breath

After a long but more or less calm week of work, I was happy to have some time off on Sunday. I had made plans with my friend Mats, another volunteer, to go to the botanic garden to play guitar a bit outside of Santa Cruz. When I woke up in the morning it was stormy outside and I was afraid that we would have to cancel our plans because it looked like it would rain.
We decided to take the risk and go anyway, to get away from the city for  while and relax in the nature.
The bus ride to the garden was quite bumpy and not very comfortable because we had to stand and hold on to our guitars with one hand and the railing with the other. Poor Mats couldn't even stand upright because he's tall and the micros are not built for tall people. :P
Anyway, after about half an hour we arrived at the botanical garden.
I wasn't quite sure what to expect, since I am spoiled by the beautiful botanic garden in Chicago....but the botanic garden here was completely different, beautiful in it's own, special way.
We bought two bottles of water because it was getting a lot warmer and the wind, too, got stronger. We also wanted to buy "pansito" bread rolls, but the little stand didn't sell food :(
 The disappointment about the lack of food was soon replaced by a gorgeous walk thorough a forest of palm trees and other trees whose names I don't know. 
Me and Mats walked to a look out. He told me that we could see all of Santa Cruz from the top, so we started the journey to the top of the lookout, maybe 30 meters (but I´m very bad at estimating). Because the wind was so strong, the whole structure shook and I was a bit afraid that it would collapse. My feeling got much worse when we reached the top, because although the view was amazing, the wind was about 10 times stronger.
We decided to play guitar up there, an amazing but scary experience. I have a video but I´m not positive that it will upload.

After a while the look out got too crowded and we went back down.

The rest of the day we spent walking around, admiring the nature, and finally sitting down in a quiet place to play some more guitar, do some yoga, and eat muffins that we bought from a little stand. Yummy :)

We took the micro back home and drove right into an amazing sunset.
Because we were both hungry, we went to my house to eat and improvise a bit with guitar and charango which sounded pretty good :)

I had a great, relaxing day, that gave me some time to step back from the busy every-day life.

Thanks Mats, immer wieder gerne :)


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