"El secreta de la vida está en caerse siete veces y levantarse ocho."
-Paulo Coelho

Friday, October 25, 2013

Updates and pictures of my adventures in Los Pozos

It´s been a calm week. We have catbabies in the Taller and a monkey that came out of nowhere. He´s been a little rascal and we lovingly call him el mono de mierda.
This Saturday, tomorrow, is our last Ciclo de Cine for this set of movie nights.
We started to plan the art classes for kids that will start in November, but other than that we haven´t had much to do. Yesterday we had a reunion, but sadly the heart of arterias--the most involved people, didn´t show up.
I hope everyone is doing well, as always I{d love to recieve some Emails, comments, feedback, greetings.... :)

Don´t forget to breath!


My shoes will breath their last breath soon...but not quite yet!!

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