"El secreta de la vida está en caerse siete veces y levantarse ocho."
-Paulo Coelho

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Big Hearts

I learned something today, something that I have known inconciously, but that just poped into my head as a thought today. I learned that there is nothing greater than telling someone how much they mean, how much they mean. it takes a big heart to take up all the love that sticks to the walls of my work, to the faces of the people that come to visit, and most of all, the grat people that come to work and inspire every day.
We celebrated Doña Marcia´s birthday today, just in a small circle. For me, however, it wasn´t just a birthday celebration. It was much more. Not only is Doña Marcia my boyfriend´s mom, she is also like a third mom to me and I love her a lot (thrid mom because I have my real mom-the best mom I could ever ask for, my host mom who has helped me through a lot of things and who I also love, and Doña Marcia). Now, the little birthday breakfast touched me a lot, because we went around the group of coworkers saying what we love about Doña Marcia without anyone anouncing it. It was so nice to hear what everyone had to say about her, and she was really happy and touched as well.

In the afternoon I had another nice experience. If you´re all touchy about details you an go ahead and not read this part, but I{m going to write it down anyway because it´s part of the experience.
I was relaxing, reading a book in my lunch break when one of my favorit girls comes to crouch down beside me. "Que haces??" what are you doing, she askes me. I tell her that I am reading my book and she looks at me a while before puting her fingers in my face. I was a bit taken back at first, but then I realized she was fixing my pimples!! That´s a gesture of complete trust and caring that I have only seen between mother and children here. I was touched at the bottom of my heart. I love my work, from the tip of my toes to the ends of my hair.

If I am lucky, I get to stay till December.

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