"El secreta de la vida está en caerse siete veces y levantarse ocho."
-Paulo Coelho

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Memories of a Lullaby

Memory I
Mom bringing me to bed, sitting by my bedside in the dark, singing lullabies to me. "Guten Abend, gute Nacht, mit Rosen bedacht, mit Nelklein besteckt....." was I singing, too? Probably.

Memory II
Dad telling us bedtime stories in Allensbach with a few words that we gave him as help - as always super funny, making us laugh more than put us in a sleepy mode. Summer nights are the best nights for stories.

Memory III
Already a bit older, we played a game with Nana in Allensbach that had something to do with winning the white, shiny beans that we kept safely locked up.

Memory IV
Making banana bread with Phyllis, her teaching me the secrets to the deliciousness, and me taking good mental notes.

Memory V
Sleepover at Phyllis's in the green room, Loly sleeping on my tummy.

Memory VI
Phyllis teaching me how to pronounce "vote" with the American V sound and not the German W sound.
Memory VII
Phyllis dressing me up for modeling like a little girl in one of the old paintings that she had to reproduce for her painting class....and her wandering why I didn't have one of the fancy American dresses so typical for little girls.

Memory VIII
Phyllis talking me to her sun-filled studio upstairs to paint, me admiring all her kitty paintings and sketches. You're not only a true artist, Phyllis, but also a great inspiration and role model for me. I look up to you. Thanks for all your love and life lessons.

Memory IX
Admiring the stars through the skylights from my bunk bed in Huron Ave.

Memory X
With my head down on my diary writing last lines and with all these memories floating through my head I am gently drifting to sleep.

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