"El secreta de la vida está en caerse siete veces y levantarse ocho."
-Paulo Coelho

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Memories of a coffe cup

Memories of the Coffee Cup
Memory I
Sitting at the round dinner table with mom and dad drinking cappuccino, at maybe age 5 or 6. Springtime, maybe? At least there is a lot of light in the room. I want to try the cappuccino, but only the foam, the most delicious part, with  lot of sugar.

Memory II
In Konstanz with Nana, in one of the little cafés at the big market square. Ordering hot chocolate that always comes with one of the little cookies.

Memory III
In Boston with Annika; going out to drink hot chocolate on a gray fall(?) afternoon.

Memory IV
Mom picking me and Jakob up from school in pouring rain, because dad traveled. It always rained when dad traveled so that we had to take the T. Me and Jakob jumping puddles in parking lots.
Memory IV.I 
Getting stuck in the elevator with mom and Jakob; getting out of the elevator, walking a  ramp down to the platform with the Firemen and bystanders clapping; not quite understanding what had happened. Thanks mom, for keeping calm and telling us stories.  Even though I don´t remember them; I don´t remember being scared either.

Memory V
Making hot chocolate with Lizzie at age 9; then taking the hot chocolate outside to the snowy yard in the cold to carefully watch the marshmallows dissolve themselves and to share secrets no one else knew.
            Memory V.I
            Sitting in the tree with Lizzie pretending we had a tree house, opening up way too many               secrets clubs with our imaginary friends. One of them was the Flower Power Club we had            a green club book like every official club has.
                        Memory V.II
Sitting in that same tree in the last rays of sun singing thinking no one was listening and making up songs with the birds giving their little solos.

Memory VI
Getting up in the morning to say hi to Daddy on his platform in Friedrichsdorf and to steal a sip of tea on cold days, him answering my good morning all distracted from already working on full.

Memory VII
Learning how much coffee to put into the coffee machine to make coffee for mom in the mornings and being very proud when she liked the coffee with maybe 13 years.

Memory VIII
Drinking my first Cappuccino with mom on a spring day with 17, feeling so grown up and enjoying the foam just like when I was a little kid, adding a bit of Irish Cream  flavor, or maybe it was caramel.

Memory IX
Making coffee for Roly adding too much instant coffee and too little sugar by mistake, and him making an adorably cute grossed out face when taking the first sip of the normally sweet morning cup of coffee.

Memory X
30 Min. ago
Carefully sprinkling sugar onto the milk foam of my cappuccino and savoring a spoonful of deliciousness, then slowly drinking my coffee and sinking into a world of memories. Until all that is left is an empty cup on a cold Sunday afternoon in Bolivia.
Those are the memories of a coffee cup.

1 comment:

  1. beautiful, beautiful memories - make me think: you are really your mom's daughter: coffee makes the world go round... Nico now is 'in the circle', too, because he brought coffee from Columbia that we shared, and just last month, his parents brought more that we still enjoy. I will save some of the samples for us, Lena - just so you know there is something that is common to all of your worlds. Special thanks for this posting... Mom
