"El secreta de la vida está en caerse siete veces y levantarse ocho."
-Paulo Coelho

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Memories of the hammock in the sun

Memory I
Not quite a hammock; I owned a wooden pony swing with straw hair and hollowed eyes I think since I was born.  I pushed my little baby brother on that swing him still all chubby-faced and round, I with my hair all cut off...but I might just be imagining that part.      
            Memory I.I
            I also had a rocking horse (no idea if that's what they are called) that my Grandma gave    me. I loved that horse, completely made of wood.

Memory II
Drifting further away from the hammock. Fall. Making little figures from chestnuts and toothpicks with Clara, having ventured to the park before to collect the chestnuts from the ground, always in competition of who would find the prettier ones.
            Memory II.I
            Racing Clara down the stairs from her apartment to mine - four floors of wooden stairs,    polished by time and slippery enough to slide down on with pillows. Worth the scolding      of both parents that we would hurt ourselves.

Memory III
Back to the hammocks. In a garden fair with the family, Mom and I trying to convince Dad that we would find a space for a hammock. In the end we bought a blue hammock to half sit, half lie in.

Memory IV
I remember a hammock made of rope...maybe in Allensbach? Or am I making this up?

Memory V
Nothing to do with hammocks. Coming back from the doctors with Daddy and Jakob after the nurse had given us both an awful amount of shots. "Dad can we go to Toys'r'us?????" So we went to the toy store to pick out a toy. Jakob picked out a green helicopter and I....Thanks dad, for being so generous with us :)

Memory VI
Sun. Summer adventure with Pia, exploring the woods and streams that left our naked feet nice and refreshed, the little branches prickling the soles of our feet. The sun shining softly through the leaves illuminating only parts of our faces.
            Memory VI.I
            Making pancakes with Pia, she sitting on the kitchen floor reading a book out loud and     me mixing the dough and then frying the pancakes
                        Memory VI.II
                        Pia and I trying hard to make Berliner that never turned out.
                                    Memory VI.III
                                    Sitting by the little stream, me playing guitar and she sleeping on my lap.
                                                Memory VI.IV
                                                Building island landscapes out of ice cream, milk, cereal and                                                           chocolate chips with Pia.

Memory VII
Eating ice-cream...going to the movies for the first time in Chicago...Alice in Wonderland...still one of my favorite movies.

Memory VIII
Going to downtown Evanston with Jakes for the first time looking for shirts for him but ending up with shirts for both him and me. Thanks for confiding in me Jakes; I hope we'll have that same relationship once I come back. I miss you.

Memory IX
Back to the hammocks. Endless summer days in the blue hammock chair reading a book with the wind gently pushing me from one side to another. Oh Hinman ave.

Memory X
Sitting in the hammock writing, swinging back and forth the sun slowly being covered up by dark clouds. I got my share of energy. The rain can come.

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